
I love ideas. I love them so much, that I turned this love into my work. 
Currently I’m working at Ogilvy Amsterdam as an Art Director /
Creative thinker for brands as Ford, Philips, Coca-Cola and Fanta.
Next to that I developed a weird passion for innovative product ideas.

I'm always looking for new challenges:

+31 6 212 722 38


Honors and Awards

2018. Graphis NYC, Gold, PLAY?

2017. Amsterdam Awesome Foundation, Winner, 'Stachew'.

2017. Dutch Young Dogs, Gold, KPN 'bel je tentje'.

2017. Dutch Young Dogs, Bronze, Gemeente Amsterdam.

2017. SAN, Nomination, Ford 2000.

2016. Clio, Nomination, Product Innovation, Fifa GrassKick.

2016. Graphis Competition, Digital Out-of-Home, Lenovo.

2016. Gouden Zaag (Golden Saw), Shortlist,
award for the best Young Dutch Creative Team Portfolio’s.

2015.  Gouden Zaag (Golden Saw), Shortlist,
award for the best Young Dutch Creative Team Portfolio’s.

2015. OneShow Pencil, Bronze, Non-Traditional, Lenovo.

2015. OneShow Pencil, Bronze, Digital-Out-Of-Home, Lenovo.

2015. Art Directors Club NYC, Work Showcased.

2014. Dutch Young Dogs, Honorable Mention, Randstad, JongeHonden.

Publications & Media

2017. SAN, Book.

2016. Releaf, Presentation at "24Festival" for students.

2016. Releaf, Presentation at "What's Up" an event at Pakhuis de Zwijger.

2016. Releaf, Article publication on de Ondernemer.

2016. Releaf, Article publication on ADrotterdam.

2016. Releaf, Article publication on Profielen.

2016. Releaf, Article publication on MarketingTribune.

2016. Releaf, Live on air at Radio stations: Radio538, 3FM and FunX, VPRO and NPRO1.

2016. Advertising Spring Exhibition - Art Directors Club NYC.

2015. MarketingTribune June (Nomination Golden Saw).

2015. OneShow Book Vol. 37.

2015. Advertising Age Magazine, Students Win Big at the One Show.

2015. Mad Men aan de Maas.

2015. Advertising Spring Exhibition, Art Directors Club NYC.